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Monitoring, Verification and Evaluation Services for the WASH Results Programme

2013 - Present

Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)

Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Nepal, Pakistan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia

Monitoring, Verification and advisory technical support for the £112 million WASH Results Programme. The programme is supporting people in 11 countries to access improved water and sanitation, and to introduce improved hygiene practices. Three consortia of NGOs were contracted by FCDO to undertake large-scale delivery of WASH, operating under a Payment-by-Results modality, whereby payment is received upon the successful verification of their results. The monitoring, verification provider (MVE) was responsible for developing the methodology, a series of indicators, and data collection and reporting tools, to verify claimed achievements by the NGO’s across all countries.


The programme ran until 2021 and enabled 1.6 million people to gain access to water, 7.4 million to sanitation, and 16.1 million with hygiene promotion. As a member of the MVE consortium, Iwel consultants led the production of learning briefs and practical ‘how to’ notes. The MVE provider also reported to FCDO on the likely sustainability of programme outcomes and the extent to which implementing partners were working to strengthen in-country systems for WASH.

Adapted latrine in Bangladesh © Joseph Thompson

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